Corporate Credit Line
For those interested to apply for corporate credit line, please fill up forms and prepare required documents.
List of required documents
- Business Permit
- BIR Permmit/COR
- DTI Registration (Should BE)
- CDA Registration (if Cooperative)
- Latest Audited FS/ITR
- Articles of Partnership/Incorporation(Corporation)
- SEC Registration (NGO)
- w/ Copy of Approved Budget (Government)
- Two (2) Valid IDs for Sole proprietorship with three (3) specimen signatures
- Picture of the Establishment
- Latest 2 months bank statement or Photocopy of Passbook
- Two (2) Valids for MOA/Contract Signatory Three (3) specimen signatures
- Authorized Letter for Bank allowing NCCC for credit investigation
- PEZA Certification (for TAX Exempt applicants)
- Secretary Certificate of Board Resolution authorizing the person to apply and sign on behalf of the Corporation
- CAP Form
- Sample PO with signatory
- CPIS Purchaser (Photocopy of ID with signatory)